A Suicide with Multiple Deep Throat Cuts. |
Harin Cheong, Jiyeon Lee, Hongil Ha, Yu Hoon Kim |
1Department of Pathology, Mokdong Hospital, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. 2Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, Seoul, Korea. 3Division of Forensic Medicine, National Institute of Scientific Investigation, Seoul, Korea. sanchee@korea.kr |
Abstract |
A 46-year-old man was found dead at the foot of a mountain, with a bloody knife aside of his neck. A horizontal throat cut wound with multiple vertebral incisions was observed, with damages of neck vessels and pharynx. There were also three stab wounds in the abdomen and a horizontal cut in the anterior side of left proximal arm. He had suffered from depression. Scene circumstances and autopsy findings pointed toward a suicidal etiology. |
Key Words:
throat cut, suicide, vertebral |