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Korean J Leg Med > Volume 36(2); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Legal Medicine 2012;36(2):186-189.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7580/KoreanJLegMed.2012.36.2.186    Published online November 30, 2012.
Pulmonary Hemorrhage with Progressive Massive Fibrosis in a Silicosis Patient: An Autopsy Case.
Hee Eun Kyeong, Harin Cheong, Hyoung Joong Kim, Young Shik Choi
Division of Forensic Medicine, National Forensic Service, Seoul, Korea. heeya11j@korea.kr
Progressive massive fibrosis (PMF) involves extensive fibrosis of the lung and is usually bilateral in nature. This lesion occurs in patients showing silicosis and other pneumoconioses, including asbestosis, coal workers' pneumoconiosis, or mixed dust fibrosis. PMF tends to exacerbate fairly rapidly and may continue to grow even if the dust hazard is removed. It is frequently associated with functional impairment, including reduction in lung compliance, lung volumes, diffusing capacity, and presence of hypoxemia. However, pulmonary hemorrhage is rarely observed along with PMF. We present an autopsy case of a silicosis patient who died as a result of PMF complicated with massive hemoptysis.
Key Words: progressive massive fibrosis, silicosis, pulmonary hemorrhage, hemoptysis


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