Korean J Leg Med Search


Korean J Leg Med > Volume 38(3); 2014 > Article
Korean Journal of Legal Medicine 2014;38(3):103-112.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7580/kjlm.2014.38.3.103    Published online August 31, 2014.
Remarkable Postmortem CT Findings in Forensic Autopsy.
Sookyoung Lee, Jong Pil Park, Hohyeon Gong, Sungjin Cho, Hyungnam Koo, Heon Lee, Kyungmoo Yang, Bongwoo Lee, Nakeun Chung, Hanyoung Lee, Youngshik Choi, Joongseok Seo
1Department of Forensic Investigation, Seoul Institute, National Forensic Service, Seoul, Korea.
2Medical Examiner's Office, National Forensic Service, Wonju, Korea. rudany@korea.kr
3Department of Radiology, Soonchunhyang University Hospital Bucheon, Bucheon, Korea.
4Seoul Institute, National Forensic Service, Seoul, Korea.
5National Forensic Service, Wonju, Korea.
Despite being a very new field, forensic imaging is rapidly being used in forensic medical practices around the world. Computed tomography images are being produced and used for many reasons. Forensic imaging is being used for preliminary examination of serious findings before a routine autopsy, as it might help to give positive proof in some cases. Some major preliminary findings, such as brain hemorrhage, cardiac tamponade, or aortic dissection, can then be substantiated with the results of the physical autopsy. Forensic imaging techniques may also provide additive evidence about the cause of death such as pneumothorax, ileus, gas embolism, and aspiration that are difficult to detect with the traditional surgical autopsy techniques. Forensic imaging is also proving useful outside the autopsy room; forensic anthropologists and odontologists are using images to help them determine the age, sex, and even lifestyle of human specimens. Finally, forensic images have also begun to function as a form of record keeping in complex cases.
Key Words: Forensic radiology, Postmortem computed tomography, Preliminary examination, Additive evaluation


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