The Morphologic Examination and DNA Test for Sexing Using Skulls from "Keumjung-gul" Site. |
Yoon Seong Lee, Soong Deok Lee, Young Il Hwang |
1Department of Forensic Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea. 2Department of Anatomy, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea. |
Abstract |
At "Keumjung-gul" site, bones of more than 153 persons are excavated in October 1995. They were interred in Autumn of 1950 during Korean War. Among them, 70 skulls were examined in morphological method and DNA test for sex determination. With PCR amplification of amelogenin, 60 skulls were proved male, 9; female, 1; not amplified. Result with Y27H39LR, SRY and alphoid repeats were not satisfactory. The morphologic determination for sex were made maily by (1) prominence of the supercilliary arch, (2) prominence of the external occipital protuberance and crest, (3) size and shape of the mastoid process. The concurrence rate between two examiner, and between two morphologic result and DNA result were low (<70%), largely because of the subjectivity of morphologic trait and the paucity of experiences. |