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The Morphologic Examination and DNA Test for Sexing Using Skulls from "Keumjung-gul" Site.   (24 times)
Yoon Seong Lee, Soong Deok Lee, Young Il Hwang
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(2):51-56.   Published online October 31, 2000
Dental Identification of Terrorist Bombing of Korean Airline: A Case Report.   (42 times)
Chong Youl Kim
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(2):45-50.   Published online October 31, 2000
An Analysis on the Normal and Near Normal Hearts in Adult Sudden Cardiac Death.   (19 times)
Shin Mong Kang, Won Tae Lee, Han Young Lee, Joong Soek Seo, Young Shik Choi, Il Hoon Kwon, Nak Eun Chung
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(2):37-44.   Published online October 31, 2000
Biochemical Analysis on Postmortem Specimens.   (19 times)
Nak Eun Chung, Young Sik Choi, Han Young Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(2):28-36.   Published online October 31, 2000
Dismembered Corpse : medicolegal implications.   (59 times)
Young Shik Choi, Sang Yong Lee, Yu Hoon Kim, Gap Rae Jo, Bong Woo Lee, Kyung Moo Yang, Nak Eun Chung, Joong Seok Seo, Han Young Lee, Won Tae Lee, Hyun Wook Kang
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(2):15-27.   Published online October 31, 2000
Cyclosporine Effect on the Expression Pattern of the Myosin Heavy Chain Gene and the Morphologic Changes of Myocardium in Overloaded Left Ventricle of Rats.   (6 times)
Kwang Ryun Kho, Jong Tae Park
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(2):1-14.   Published online October 31, 2000
A Sudden Death in a Patient with Neurofibromatosis.   (32 times)
Bong Woo Lee, Joong Seok Seo, Tae Jung Kwon, Won Tae Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(1):92-97.   Published online May 31, 2000
Paraquat Poisoning by Injection: 3 autopsy cases.   (65 times)
Youn Shin Kim, Ho Lee, Yu Kyoung Jung, Ik Jo Chung, Back Hee Han
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(1):87-91.   Published online May 31, 2000
Cerebral Infarction Due to Thromboembolic Complication of Rheumatic Heart Disease Patient with Mechanical Mitral and Aortic Prosthesis: A Case Report.   (19 times)
Sang Yong Lee, Joong Seok Seo
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(1):82-86.   Published online May 31, 2000
Dissecting Aneurysm of Intracranial Vertebral Artery: Report of Two Autopsy Cases.   (28 times)
Sang Yong Lee, Gap Rae Jo, Joong Seok Seo
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(1):75-81.   Published online May 31, 2000
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in the Unusual Circumstance: Four Cases Report.   (112 times)
Joong Seok Seo
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(1):68-74.   Published online May 31, 2000
Death due to Soap-Saline Enema containing Liquid Lye: Case Reort.   (54 times)
Yu Hee Kim, Young Shik Choi, Tae Jung Kwon
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(1):61-67.   Published online May 31, 2000
Study on DXS7132 and GATA31D10 Loci in Korean Population.   (6 times)
Jong Seong Ahn, Yong Ji Zhang, Soong Deok Lee, Chang Ho Shin, Yoon Seong Lee, Jung Bin Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(1):51-60.   Published online May 31, 2000
Validation Study for the Sex Typing Using Amelogenin.   (19 times)
Soong Deok Lee, Jung Bin Lee, Yoon Seong Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(1):43-50.   Published online May 31, 2000
Non-amplification of an Allele of D8S1179 Locus Due to Point Mutation in Flanking Region.   (6 times)
Gil Ro Han, Juck Joon Hwang
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(1):33-42.   Published online May 31, 2000
SAS System for the Genetic Analysis of DNA Evidence.   (5 times)
Hyo Jung Lee, Hye Seung Lee, Gil Ro Han, Jae Won Lee, Juck Joon Hwang
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(1):25-32.   Published online May 31, 2000
Formation of Tyrosine Crystals in the Gastrointestinal Tract: Uncommon Putrefactive Artifact.   (10 times)
Sang Yong Lee, Young Shik Choi, Mie Ae Lim
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(1):20-24.   Published online May 31, 2000
A Forensic Psychiatric Study for Stalking Offenders.   (15 times)
Gyung Sook Lee, Sang Sub Choi
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(1):13-19.   Published online May 31, 2000
Medico-Legal Autopsy Performed by Medical College in Seoul Area During Last 5 Years.   (11 times)
Soong Deok Lee, Jung Bin Lee, Yoon Seong Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(1):7-12.   Published online May 31, 2000
An Analysis of Medicolegal Autopsies in Cheju National University, School of Medicine, 1998-1999.   (11 times)
Hyun Wook Kang
Korean J Leg Med. 2000;24(1):1-6.   Published online May 31, 2000


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