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Sang Seob Lee 9 Articles
The Application of Paewinsky et al.'s Age Estimation Method to Periapical Radiographs.
Byung Yoon Roh, Jeong Uk Seo, Chang Gyum Kim, Chang Un Choi, Won Joon Lee, Sang Seob Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2018;42(4):141-145.   Published online November 30, 2018
Radiocarbon Dating of Skeletal Remains: Case Report.
Jong Pil Park, Seung Gyu Choi, Sang Seob Lee, Won Joon Lee, Jeong Uk Seo, Chang Un Choi, Yi Suk Kim, U Young Lee, Minsung Choi, Kyung Moo Yang
Korean J Leg Med. 2018;42(3):105-109.   Published online August 31, 2018
Dental Identification of the Putative Body of a Most Wanted Fugitive.
Sang Seob Lee, Han Young Lee, Joong Seok Seo
Korean J Leg Med. 2015;39(1):12-16.   Published online February 28, 2015
Application of 3D Surface Scanners in Forensic Science and Medicine ( I ): Digital Storage of Human Skeletons and Development of Appraisal Methods for Incident Scenes.
Nak Eun Chung, Hyung Nam Koo, Hyun Moo Kang, Sang Seob Lee, Hye Jin Park, Hyung Joong Kim, Kyung Rak Lee, Ik Jo Chung, Dae Yeol Kim, Dal Won Kim, Sang Beom Lim, Saebomi Lee, Han Soo Han, Jung Lee, Jun Suk Kim, Ki Woong Moon, Byong Hyun Kim, Kyun Woo Cho, Jin Pyeo Kim, Yeo Soo Kim, Sung Ho Kim, In Soo Seo, Dae Kyun Park, Jae Kwang Chung, Yi Suk Kim, Seong Kyu Choi, U Young Lee, Hoon Lee, Chae Keun Kim, In Soo Lee, Hoon Kang, Won Seob Kim, Dong Kyu Kim, Dong Soo Kim, Hyeong Jin Choi, Dong Il Park, Hong Soon Choi, Si Ro Kim, Yong Seok Heo
Korean J Leg Med. 2012;36(1):85-96.   Published online May 31, 2012
A Statistical Analysis on Forensic Odontological Examination at the NFS from 2007 to 2010.
Saebomi Lee, Sang Beom Lim, Dal Won Kim, Ik Jo Chung, Na Yi Kim, Sang Seob Lee
Korean J Leg Med. 2011;35(1):32-41.   Published online May 31, 2011
Dental Identification of the Victims of the Cold Storage Warehouse Fire in Icheon.
Sang Seob Lee, Dal Won Kim, Seung Hyun Yoon, Ju Hyun Park
Korean J Leg Med. 2009;33(1):74-78.   Published online May 31, 2009
Identification of Korean victims in PMT-air airplane crash accident.
Sang Seob Lee, Joong Seok Seo, Mun Hwan Kang
Korean J Leg Med. 2007;31(2):157-161.   Published online November 30, 2007
Polymorphism and forensic efficiency of 5X-STR loci in Korean.
Byung Ki Kwon, Kyoung Jin Shin, Sang Seob Lee, Gil Ro Han, Jong Hoon Choi, Chong Youl Kim
Korean J Leg Med. 2003;27(1):51-64.   Published online May 31, 2003
The Usefulness of Panoramic Radiography in Human Identification.
Sang Seob Lee, Il Gu Lee, Jang Ho Lee, Jong Hoon Choi, Chong Youl Kim, Kyoung Jin Shin
Korean J Leg Med. 2003;27(1):38-44.   Published online May 31, 2003


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